Cafe "Kiba"

Are you looking for where a delicious and inexpensive meal or rent a place in the evening? Waiting for a pleasant and comfortable environment, with Zanavykų edge interior. Pleasant service personnel will not fail to you or your loved ones. You will be surprised tasty and high quality not only in Lithuanian dishes, but also probably the most delicious pizza in all Šakiai. We offer a wide range of special dishes, friendly service, reasonable prices and a friendly atmosphere.
Upon arrival to mention all who want to know this region food culture traditions, our café - pizzeria zanavykišku titled "Kiba" can have a good time, subscribed to educational - cognitive program Zanavykų I taste. " The guests were greeted by a welcoming "hostesses" and "mergučės" planted for refreshments loaded table, nourishing food to eat, and while guests vaišinsis, "hostesses" beautiful zanavykiška "dialect" will tell about zanavykai Kitchen and household, culinary subtleties and secrets. Guests will experience some of the edge of the hospitality, everything išragaus and find out who is lendrinkos, košeliena, kugel, Paragon traditional zanavykai edge dishes: smoked meat, cheese, dishes with linseed oil, stuffed cabbage head, carrot candy, homemade kvass, deep coffee yet this and that ... All the recipes are authentic, made according to ancient pasakojimus.Tris - four dishes are everyday cafe - pizzeria "Kiba" menu. You are invited and welcome a group of 10 persons.

2020-03-07 Puiki kavinė, ypač puikus, tirpstantis burnoje (ir ne tik paveldinis) maistas. Sėkmės, ir toliau taip